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Map series improvements

04-21-2024 06:45 PM
Status: Closed
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

I would like to see improvements to the usability of the map series.

1.When Data Driven Pages existed, it was convenient to be able to move between maps using the Data Driven Toolbar.
Currently, I have to open the ``List'' tab on the map series page each time before I can move, which I feel is a hassle. I would like to create a toolbar like before.









2. I am using map A in layout B and layout C, and I would like to make layout B the overall view of map A, set up a map series in layout C, and enlarge only each section.
However, if you set a map series to layout C and restrict the display using a page definition query, the display of layout B will also be restricted, so it cannot be used as an overall map.
Even if I open Map A, the same restrictions apply, so if I want to edit the whole thing, I have to go back and forth between the Map → Layout → Map Series list tab, which is very inconvenient. .
I would like the map series settings for one layout to not affect other layouts and maps.


Map Series in many aspects is a regression from ArcMap. 
My fundamental missing use case is to be able to use Map Series in the Map window, not just Layout. This is useful when digitising or searching for features in imagery, checking & editing objects in a structured way, etc.


If you want to use the same map in multiple layouts, you could set Visibility Range scales on your layers. Make 1 copy of the layer with the page query that displays at large scales for layout C. Then make a separate copy of the layer without a page query that displays at smaller scales for the layout B overview map. 

This will work if the maps in layout C all have larger scales than the layout B overview map. 


Thank you @JesseWickizer .

You may be able to work around the problem that way.
However, having two identical layers can be confusing.
Another issue is that there may be multiple layers that you want to restrict visibility to. Copying all of this creates further confusion. (I often open the file again years later, and I'm concerned that by then I'll have forgotten what it was for.)

Also, depending on the shape of the area, the scales of layouts B and C may be almost the same. In that case, this method cannot be used.

I think it would be great if each map series and layout could be handled independently.

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hi! Thank you for your ideas. It sounds like you have two ideas here, one for navigating the map series in a toolbar and another for letting maps function independently. It seems like one or both of these ideas might be covered in Locked Multiple Layouts in ArcGIS Pro and Map Series View Tab in Map View . Can you look at the ideas and see if they cover your workflows? 


For your navigation suggestion I'm not sure if you are looking to navigate in the map view (as suggested in Map Series View Tab in Map View) or just a different way to navigate in the layout view. 


If your workflows are not covered in the aforementioned ideas, please separate your idea into two, one for each proposal. This is a best practice and helps keep track of implementation. Sometimes one feature can be implemented before another, it's harder to note that when multiple requests are in the same idea.





@AubriKinghorn Being able to do all things that are possible in ArcMap (aka feature parity) shouldn't require multiple ideas nor actions from paying customers.
To make it easier for the product team maybe get someone that is proficient in ArcMap to go through all the workflows in ArcMap while you try to do the same in Pro. That should give you (and maybe Kory Kramer) a list that you can work with; with the added benefit that your paying customers can move on with solving real world problems.

My main pain point at the moment is lack of ability in Pro to navigate in the map window during an edit session using DDP/Map Series as in Map Series View Tab in Map View.

There are other handy scenarios such as being able to using the combination of scale & rotation to export  images from a map window without borders that CAD people can use in 'dumb' CAD sessions where the drawing is rotated and using funny dimensions. Much of this can be replicated manually in Pro but that links back to the topic of Pro being slow to use: Why is ArcGIS Pro so slow?


Thank you @AubriKinghorn
I looked at the ideas you introduced, but none of them seem to be what I want.
I think the layout view and map series system itself should be left as is. However, it is a little difficult to use, so I hope that this will be improved.
So, I will post each one separately.
