---This article has been split from the following article.
ArcMap's data-driven toolbar included several buttons that made it easy to navigate through each area.

I can't find that useful button in ArcGISPro.
I can't get to that button until I open "Layout View" and then open "List on Map Series Page."
So while working in layout view, I often have to go back and forth between "list by drawing order" and "list by map series page".
I wish those useful buttons on the Data Driven Toolbar were always visible (especially on the Quick Access Toolbar).
I would like to see new buttons for ``Go to the next page in the map series'' and ``Return to the previous page in the map series.'' Then you can put it in the Quick Access Toolbar yourself.
It would be even better if you could use a dropdown to navigate to a specific map series page, but I'd also be happy with just a button.
I just haven't found that button, but if it already exists, I'd appreciate it if you could let me know. Thank you in advance.