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Request to Restore ArcGIS Pop-Up/Tooltip Functionality in Power BI

02-05-2025 07:46 AM
New Contributor

Some time ago, a change was made to how Power BI interacts with data from ArcGIS. Previously, clicking on content from ArcGIS, such as Feature Layers, would trigger a pop-up or tooltip displaying the layer’s information. However, following the most recent update to the ESRI widget, this functionality was removed and replaced by the Feature Information pane. In our use case, this new approach is less convenient for displaying details. Would it be possible to reinstate the pop-up/tooltip for feature information, similar to how it was in previous versions?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hello @GISDataServices 

This is great feedback. I would recommend posting this in ArcGIS Ideas: ArcGIS for Power BI Ideas - Esri Community

~Just trying to fix things~
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