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Map Not Working, Boundaries Setting Returns blanks

04-04-2023 03:27 PM
New Contributor II


My team just recently built a report in Power BI with the Arc GIS map. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of the map due to it not working anymore, but it looked something close to this (representing the countries as boundaries instead of points).


It has been working for a couple weeks, but now when we pull up the report the map looks like this:


And if we try to get it working we get this prompt:


I was under the impression that this feature was part of the free version of Arc GIS. Does anyone know what could be going on? I would appreciate any help!



8 Replies
New Contributor

Hi Matt, I have the same issue! Help needed 📢

New Contributor II

I have reached out to ESRI support via email since they don't seem to be responding here. Will let you now if I find anything out. 

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New Contributor II

Same issue here! Last year there was a similar post: Solved: ArcGIS map not displaying data - Microsoft Power BI Community. But the suggested solution does not help.

New Contributor II

Yes I found that post and tried the recommended solution as well. No luck. I wonder if it was a bug in an update that they pushed. I know that has happened in the past. 

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New Contributor

Same issue here! What's interesting is that if "points" is selected instead of "boundaries", the visual seems to work. Any tips from the ESRI team or someone who has found a fix would be much appreciated.

New Contributor II

Same on my end. I can get the "points" to work, but our C-suite doesn't like that visual. Really hope someone can give us some insight into the situation.

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New Contributor

I have the non-free version of Arc GIS and I'm encountering the same issue... I will keep following for answers and comment if something starts working!

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New Contributor II

This morning our maps suddenly started working again. Hopefully a fix was rolled out behind the scenes. Either way, we are back up and running.