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ArcGIS Earth

02-29-2016 08:43 AM
Deactivated User


I have downloaded the new ArcGIS Earth. I went to a (aerial) site in Billings , Montana. I could not get the 3D feature to work. I could not find any feature on the screen for 3D. I do not see the interactive globe. What am I missing?


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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

You might want to bookmark this space for focussed discussion on ArcGIS Earth.

ArcGIS Earth There are similar posts there than may be helpful

A warning for recent installs Be sure to close and restart Earth after install

and the help topics

ArcGIS Earth | ArcGIS

Have you tried a different area?

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

If you are looking to 'tilt the map', you could RIGHT-CLICK and DRAG your mouse, or use 'w' or 's' keys to tilt the view.

If you are looking for 3D content such as buildings, we are not supplying those at this time and are looking into different strategies for doing so.

Thanks for the question.


Deactivated User


Thank you for your reply. Yes, I am looking for content to put on the globe. I saw a couple of tutorials on YouTube that could add kml & kmz files and scenes or use the URL also. I am trying to find those kinds of files on the internet. I am trying to look at a building in Billings, Montana. I know it’s a long shot for finding something for Montana.


Occasional Contributor

Ramiro, where are these tutorials please.  I can't find any specific for ArcGIS Earth.

Chris, is there a way to import SketchUp 3D models into ArcGIS Earth, or to extrude shapefiles with elevation attributes?  I currently use ArcGIS Pro and ArcScene for those things but would love to see Esri provide 3D content and buildings for cities like mine who can't/won't purchase model sets... 


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