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Batch Subwatershed Calculation Problem

08-19-2010 11:26 AM
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Emerging Contributor
Hi there,

I'm trying to calculate subwatersheds for ~1200 points and am getting a "could not set analysis window" error (see attached jpg).  The points are completely contained by a reasonable looking catchment grid based on a stream link file derived through a) burning a streams layer into and b) filling sinks from my original DEM.  I'm not quite sure how the analysis window could be off if I was able to go through the intermediate calculations.  I did set the HydroIDs in the file before starting the process.  My points file contains the 5 required fields listed in the documentation and I can see that a subwatersheds points layer is created.  The "DrainID" field in the resulting file is filled with null values however.  I've tried working with an exported subset of my points and also a very small digitized set of dummy points to no avail.  I've also tried starting a new mxd, resetting the projection, adding the flow direction and stream layers, redigitizing new points but still get the error.  I am able to calculate watersheds (from catchment polygons) on the few digitized points but not for either of my "real" points files (large or subset versions).  I'm fairly new to ArcHydro but have looked through all of the documentation/tutorials that I could find as well as the posts in this forum and don't see anything about this error.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Dan Strobridge
Weston Solutions, Inc.
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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
I have a little more information to report after seeing a tip in the "old forum" about clearing the temp folder in the local settings.  I was able to generate subwatersheds for the digitized points but not for either of my "real" points layers (large or subset).  It didn't matter what I had the SnapOn field set to and I did have a couple points that weren't all that close to a stream.   I tried clearing the temp folder again (as well as closing and reopening the mxd) prior to each attempt with the "real" points subset and could not get it to work regardless of the SnapOn value.  However, I did get a new error (sort of).  I still got the "error in executing grid expression" portion of the last error message but not the "could not set analysis window" part.

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Emerging Contributor
It seems I've found a solution to this problem.  Hopefully it works for others as well.  After briefing my manager on my various attempts to mimic a digitized archydro feature class with my external data (merging with digitized, changing field lengths, etc...), she asked why I hadn't tried to simply copy the points into the digitized file within an editing session.  After giving myself a swift kick I tried it and it worked.  I got 1215 points processed and 46 failed (due to other issues).  I guess that's why she's the manager and I'm not.

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