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Geocoding - How to zoom to the feature?

06-20-2014 05:27 AM
Honored Contributor
I created a Address Locator on a Polyline M Feature Class with the Address Locator Style: 'General - Single Field'.  In ArcMap, after I typed a valid value in the Find Address (Single Line Place Name) textbox, the line feature flashed once.  Now I have 2 Q's below:
1) How to zoom to the selected feature after enter a valid single line place name?
2) How to make the feature highlighted?
I know how to do it using the Find Tool.  Can these be done w/o using the Find tool?
Thanks in advance if you can share your experience.
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2 Replies
Honored Contributor
Sol:  Thanks for your post.  I understand all of the points you mentioned.  I just wonder if there is any additional options for Geocoding's display.  It looks to be I have to use the common tools to do the 2 tasks in my Q.  I will still credit your solution.  Thanks again.
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Honored Contributor
Sol:  Your solution is definitely GOOD per my knowledge.  Thanks again.
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