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Python in ArcGIS 10.3

06-10-2014 10:25 AM
Honored Contributor
Python 3.4 will be supported with ArcGIS for Professionals

Does any know for certain which version of Python will ship with 10.3? Since it comes with ArcGIS for Professionals I thought it would be 3.4 but I haven't found any officials sources. Previous sources seemed to indicate ArcGIS 11 would be moving to 3.x but I'm not sure if this product release was renamed or that release was pushed back.
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34 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
ArcGIS Pro (beta) is 3.4
ArcGIS 10.3 (development, not released) is 2.7.5. The only change that may happen between now and release is Python moving to 2.7.7, but I haven't heard discussion one way or another on this.

10.3 will not use 3.4. If you install each product on the same machine, they wont/cant use the other Python.
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Esteemed Contributor

ArcGIS Desktop, which will stay at 32-bit with Python 2.7.x, can work and co-exist on a 64-bit machine with ArcGIS Professional with Python 3.4?
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Esri Regular Contributor
I'm doing it right now.

Its really no different then having both ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2 and 64bit Background Processing on the same machine.
You'll have 2 versions of 2.7.5 python: 32 and 64bit.

also note, ArcGIS Pro is 64bit, thus Python 3.4 64bit
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Honored Contributor
Ah, so ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS 10.3 are entirely independent platforms even at the backend? Requiring separate Python installs? Will the entire arcpy library be ported to ArcGIS Pro for release or will it have its own unique functionality? Is ArcGIS Pro going to be the default Python/geoprocessing environment or will that remain the regular Python 2.x/ArcGIS engine?
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Esri Contributor
Hi Matthew,
10.3 will ship with Python 2.7, likely 2.7.7, but that could change depending on where Python is leading up to the 10.3 release date.  We didn't want to make a break within the 10.x release line.  Pro, on the other hand, will include Python 3.4.

For the most part, arcpy is largely moving forward to Pro intact.  From 10.3 to Pro, the biggest difference will be to arcpy.mapping because of significant architectural difference between the two products.  There will be a few other changes as well.  There will be a new tool in Pro and 10.3 that will help people review their code and tools for these differences.

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Frequent Contributor
For the most part, arcpy is largely moving forward to Pro intact. 

Dave, I missed last years user conference so I was wondering if there are any articles you can point us to that outline what's happening with ArcGIS Desktop?  From what I've heard Desktop can't be upgraded to 64-bit so that's where Pro comes in?  Does that mean Desktop will go away?  But from whay I've quoted you on that our ArcGIS Desktop scripts will be able to run under Pro? 

Sorry, I didn't want to hijack this theard but I'm confused on the future of Desktop.
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Esri Contributor
Hi Randy,
Have a look at this Pro FAQ.
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Esteemed Contributor
Will ArcGIS Pro be able to access data in either shapefile or personal geodatabase format?  I could not tell from the above link whether this question is answered or not?

How about using lyr files generated in v10.3 to add data to ArcGIS Pro?
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Esri Regular Contributor
Shapefiles, yes.
pGDB, no. Pro is 64bit and has the same limitations* that ArcGIS Server and 64bit Background have.
*There could be minor exceptions to this rule that I'm unaware of.
Layerfiles (.lyr) can be imported into Pro. You cannot save a lyr file. Pro will save lyrx files which are not backwards compatible to 10.x

I'd encourage you to give the beta a try. If you still have questions after using it, thats important feedback we'd like to get and address if possible. If you're a named user you can download it from
(I'm unsure if there are any country restrictions)
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