Accessing a layer's minimum scale by ArcObjects - numerical problem!?

04-30-2014 06:11 AM
New Contributor
Dear all,

I use ArcMap 10.0 SP 5. I have a MXD file that contains a layer. In the layer properties within ArcMap I set the visible scale range for the layer, e.g. a minimum scale of 1:501.

However, when I access the ILayer.MinimumScale using ArcObjects, the return value is 501.4999.

As far as I know, ArcGIS stores the representative scale fraction, which should be 1/501 = 0,001996008.
For 501.499 that fraction 1/501.499 would be 0,001994018.
I can't figure out what is the reason for these small differences.
Is it any truncation or rounding problem? I am using UTM projection, does the UTM scale factor influence here?
Has anybody experienced the same phenomenon?
Thank you very much for your answers in advance!
With best regards,
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