JPEG to geotiff

12-07-2013 08:59 AM
New Contributor

I'm kinda new to arcmap stuff therefore I apologize in advance for asking maybe some not-so-hard-to-solve questions.
My newest project contains downloading landsat`s satellite images and using them in ArcMap. I downloaded mainly ''Level 1 GeoTIFF Data Product'' files from different time frames. Those archived files cointained plenty of .tiff files and some .jpges.

Those .tiff files possesses right coordinates and when I export .tiff files to .kml and open them in google earth, those .tiff files fall in the right place. I want the same to do with those JPEGs, but somehow I struggle to do so.

Is there any way to convert JPEGs to geotiff, so I can place them on a map?

Thanks for the help, best regards.
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor
You can check whether the .jpg images are georeferenced. I have seen .jpg images while downloading raster and the .jpg images are just used a sample of the area.

.Jpg can be convereted to .tif by using the export option(Right click on raster-Data-Export data).
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New Contributor
How do I check if the jpg is georefferenced?

I have done, what you told me to do - converted jpg to tif file. I got the .tif file and some other ones (including tfw), I also added a spatial refference. I also tried changing .tfw file (which had 1.0000... -1.0000.. written inside - those are ''the coordinates'') to the coordinates of the original, .tif but none of the options hasn't worked for me.
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Honored Contributor
If an image has been geo-referenced then it should return an extent.

Also you can overlay the .tif on .jpg and check whether both the image fall on the same region.(The coordinate syystem of both the image should be same)
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