Upload FeatureClass to Server from multiple Devices

10-22-2013 04:57 AM
New Contributor III
I'm trying to Upload a versioned FeatureClass to my ArcGIS-Server from a mobile Device using ArcObjects.
There are up to 50 users doing this in parallel. The Upload works, but only in sequential way. The service is configured right (I'm using a wcf-service) but inside the arcobjects-code it seems that something is waiting till the workspace is a ready or something.
Here is my code:

public String insertFeature(String tableName, String[] fieldValues, String[] fields, Double x, Double y, Logger logger)
            DateTime t1970 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            Boolean isLicenseStatusGood = this.IsLicenseStatusGood(logger);
            if (isLicenseStatusGood)
                IFeatureCursor cursor = null;
                    // Creates a connection to the database
                    VersionedArcSdeWorkspace("gisora-vm01", "sde:oracle11g", "webline_sachsen_stamm", "webline_sachsen_stamm@agsdb", "agsdb", "SDE.DEFAULT",logger);
                    IDataset ds;
                    // Initializing a versioned workspace
                    IVersionedWorkspace versionedWorkspace = (IVersionedWorkspace)workspace;
                    IFeatureWorkspace iws = (IFeatureWorkspace)versionedWorkspace;
                    dsenum = workspace.get_Datasets(esriDatasetType.esriDTFeatureClass);
                    ds = dsenum.Next();
                    IFeatureClass featureC= null;
                    while (ds != null)
                        if (ds.Name.Equals(tableName))
                            featureC= iws.OpenFeatureClass(ds.Name);
                        ds = dsenum.Next();
                    if (featureC!= null)
                        IPoint point = new Point();
                        point.PutCoords(x, y);
                        // Creating  a workspaceEdit an a MultiuserWorkspaceEdit
                        IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)versionedWorkspace;
                        IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit mWorkspaceEdit = (IMultiuserWorkspaceEdit)workspaceEdit;

                        if (mWorkspaceEdit.SupportsMultiuserEditSessionMode(esriMultiuserEditSessionMode.esriMESMVersioned))
                            // Starting the edit session. (leaving out anything of the next three lines i get the error
                            // " the requested operation is invalid on a closed state"

                            // Create a new Feature
                            IFeature feature = table.CreateFeature();
                            feature.Shape = point;

                            // Mostly i get errors here

                            // or here
                catch (Exception e)
                    // When i get an error i recall the method until its done without errors
                    insertFeature(tableName, fieldValues, fields, x, y, logger);
                    return "500";
                return "500";
            return "200";

Has anyone an idea?
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