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Get the OID of a selected record?

07-09-2013 05:55 AM
Deactivated User
I need to have a record selected for the user to enter some attributes, then I need to deselect to calculate a unique id for the record (I only know how to calculate the unique id for all the records and that;s why I need to deselect it), then I need to continue updating that record that was selected before. For that I need to capture the OID of the selected record before I deselect it. I was able to write something to get the OID, but it gets the OID for all the records. Does anybody know how to get the OID for just the selected record? Thank you! Here is my snippet:

    # Create search cursor for feature class.     rows = gp.SearchCursor("Stewardship")     row = rows.Next()     while row:         # Get the ID value         desc = arcpy.Describe("Stewardship")         OIDFieldName = desc.OIDFieldName         id = row.GetValue(OIDFieldName)         arcpy.AddMessage(id)         row = 
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4 Replies
Deactivated User
Never mind, this works if I have only one selected! Thanks
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MVP Notable Contributor
glad to see you got it working.

I noticed that you have:

        desc = arcpy.Describe("Stewardship")
        OIDFieldName = desc.OIDFieldName

within the while loop.  the Describe function can be pretty intensive operation and I don't see a need to set it within the loop.

I suspect it would run considerably faster if you were to move these two lines above and out of the while loop.

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Honored Contributor
Two other ways to get a list of OIDs of selected records (method #2 is the best BTW):

#Method1: Must have a selection on the feature layer for this to work... but works in any version
fc = r"C:\csny490\overlay_20130620\gis_layers\county.gdb\county"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, "fl")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management("fl", "NEW_SELECTION", "COUNTY_CD > 10")
oidList = [int(oid) for oid in arcpy.Describe("fl").FIDSet.split(";")]
#Method2: Uber fast! Works with a feature layer with a definition query and/or selected set... but only in v10.1+!
fc = r"C:\csny490\overlay_20130620\gis_layers\county.gdb\county"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, "fl", "COUNTY_CD > 10")
oidList = [oid[0] for oid in arcpy.da.SearchCursor("fl",["OID@"])]
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Deactivated User
Thank you Chris and Rhett! You guys are awesome!
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