Is there any samplee for GeoEvent Processor through JavaScript API.

06-26-2013 08:55 PM
New Contributor
Please share any sample code which are going to represent GeoEvent processing on the JavaScript API Map.
Apart from Operation dashboard is there any other plug in see the real time simulation on the map.
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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Thank you for your message Arun. We are currently recommending Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS when viewing real-time events processed through GeoEvent Processor because configuring the application to smoothly update its display as GEP pushes new features into a published feature service is easy and requires no API level development.

As Hanoch indicated on the Beta Community forum, there are several options for displaying frequently changing feature data, such as the feature data output from GeoEvent Processor. We are working on documentation which will describe best practices when using a thick client application such as ArcGIS Desktop vs. a web client application such as a custom JavaScript viewer running in a browser to display event feeds output from GeoEvent Processor.

There are several factors that you should consider when weighing the Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS against a custom viewer developed using a web API such as the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. If you are locked into using GEP to update a feature service, your client application will need to periodically poll the service to refresh its display "? there is no way around this since a published service cannot push its updates to a client application. (You might also configure a DynamicMapServiceLayer within a custom application built using the ArcGIS Runtime SDK or one of the web APIs and then refresh the layer, but you"?re still polling a service to retrieve images prepared by the service.)

If you are able to leverage web sockets, then you might consider having GEP output its data to a web socket and using JavaScript to retrieve the data through the web socket, bypassing a feature service altogether.

The "Web Sockets"� tutorial (attached includes a JavaScript sample which shows how a stream layer can be used to retrieve data from a web socket. The tutorial"?s gep_streamlayer.html extends feature layer, configures a time-aware layer and uses a feature collection to retrieve GeoEvents from the web socket.

Regards -
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Occasional Contributor
Useful info for Javascript, thanks. Are there any samples for the flex viewer and GeoEvents?
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New Contributor
In my GeoEvent Processor manager I can't find the option to add an input named "Publish Features to a Stream Layer", and i also got 13 options, not 15 as the tutorial is showing. Any ideas how I can get the two other options that is not represented in my list?

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