Adding XY event source programatically

04-03-2013 09:17 AM
New Contributor
I can add a table as an XYEventSource from an Access database, with the following code.  This works.  My problem is described after the code block.

srWorkspace = ao.OpenAccessWorkspace(dataSource);
srTable = ao.OpenTable(srWorkspace, "MyTable");
IDataset dataSet = srTable as IDataset;
IName tableName = dataSet.FullName;

IXYEvent2FieldsProperties xyEvent2FieldsProperties = new XYEvent2FieldsPropertiesClass();
xyEvent2FieldsProperties.XFieldName = "myX";
xyEvent2FieldsProperties.YFieldName = "myY";

IXYEventSourceName xyEventSourceName = new XYEventSourceNameClass();
xyEventSourceName.EventProperties = xyEvent2FieldsProperties;
xyEventSourceName.EventTableName = tableName;

ftrLayer = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.FeatureLayerClass();

SpatialReferenceEnvironment spatRefEnv = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.SpatialReferenceEnvironmentClass();
IGeographicCoordinateSystem geoCS = spatRefEnv.CreateGeographicCoordinateSystem((int)ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriSRGeoCSType.esriSRGeoCS_WGS1984);
geoCS.SetFalseOriginAndUnits(-180, -90, 1000000);
xyEventSourceName.SpatialReference = geoCS as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ISpatialReference;
IName xyName = xyEventSourceName as IName;
IXYEventSource xyEventSource = xyName.Open() as IXYEventSource;

IStandaloneTableCollection pTableCollection = map as IStandaloneTableCollection;
IStandaloneTable standaloneTable = new StandaloneTableClass();
standaloneTable.Table = srTable;

ftrLayer.FeatureClass = xyEventSource as IFeatureClass;
ftrLayer.Name = "My Table";

The problem I'm having is that it's adding the table to the map as a feature layer with a feature class, and I don't want that.  I want it to behave exactly as if the user right-clicked on the table in ArcMap and chose the "Display XY Data..." menu item.

Right-clicking on the layer created as above and choosing Properties shows this for the source:

Data Type: XY Event Source
Location: C:\data\database.mdb
Feature Class: MyTable_Features
Feature Type: Simple
Geometry Type: Point

However, if you conduct the Display XY Data operation manually in ArcMap on a standalone table added to the TOC, the following shows for the source, and this is what I'm after:

Data Type: XY Event Source
Location: C:\data\database.mdb
Table: C:\data\database.mdb\MyTable
X Field: myX
Y Field: myY
Has Object-ID Field: Yes

What in the world am I doing wrong?

Thank you for any assistance!

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8 Replies
Occasional Contributor III

Wouldn't this work?  XYEventSource implements ITable, which you can pass to your map.AddLayer() method.
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New Contributor
Negative.  AddLayer() requires an ILayer.
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Occasional Contributor III
doh.  sorry about that...

I meant map.addTable()
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New Contributor
Thanks for the response.  However, I don't see an AddTable() method for the IMap interface.
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Occasional Contributor III
IMap is an Interface for concrete classes: Globe, Map, Scene.

IMap would not have an addTable() method because Globe and Scene would need to implement that contract.

How did you create your IMap variable?
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New Contributor
IMxDocument pMxDoc = m_app.Document as IMxDocument;
IMap map = pMxDoc.FocusMap;

m_app is set within the OnCreate() method of the BaseCommand:

if((hook) is IMxApplication)
  m_app = (IApplication)hook;
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Occasional Contributor III

This returns an IMap reference. 

You need to QI (or cast) to the Map class if you want to use addTable().
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New Contributor

This returns an IMap reference. 

You need to QI (or cast) to the Map class if you want to use addTable().

Thanks for sticking with me, Lee.

I QI'd the IMap to an ITableCollection and used its AddTable() method.  This results in:

Data Type: Standalone Table
Table Name: MyTable_Features
Table Type: XY Event Source
Location: C:\data\database.mdb
Has Object-ID Field: Yes

Still not quite there.  Still shooting for:

Data Type: XY Event Source
Location: C:\data\database.mdb
Table: C:\data\database.mdb\MyTable
X Field: myX
Y Field: myY
Has Object-ID Field: Yes

I feel like I'm painfully close...
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