Failed to set domain when copying subtype

11-23-2012 04:52 PM
New Contributor
Dear All,

I've written the following code trying to copy the subtypes of a feature class, but got the following error message in the set_Domain method, could anyone help point out what's wrong?

Error message: "This database does not support null default values."


private bool copySubTypes(IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer, IFeatureClass fgdbFeatureClass, IWorkspace fgdbWorkspace)
if (pFeatureLayer == null || pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass == null) return true;

ISubtypes subtypes = (ISubtypes)pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
ISubtypes fgdbSubTypes = (ISubtypes)fgdbFeatureClass;
IWorkspaceDomains fgdbWSdomain = (IWorkspaceDomains)fgdbWorkspace;

if (!subtypes.HasSubtype) return true;

fgdbSubTypes.SubtypeFieldName = subtypes.SubtypeFieldName;

IEnumSubtype enumsubtype;
int subtypeCode;
string subtypeName;

IFields pFields = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Fields;

enumsubtype = subtypes.Subtypes;
subtypeName = enumsubtype.Next(out subtypeCode);

while (subtypeName != null)
fgdbSubTypes.AddSubtype(subtypeCode, subtypeName);
for (int iCnt = 0; iCnt < pFields.FieldCount; iCnt++)
string sFieldName = pFields.get_Field(iCnt).Name;
object defVal = subtypes.get_DefaultValue(subtypeCode, sFieldName);
if (defVal.ToString().Length > 0)
fgdbSubTypes.set_DefaultValue(subtypeCode, sFieldName, defVal);

IDomain pDomain = subtypes.get_Domain(subtypeCode, sFieldName);
if (pDomain != null)
IDomain fgdbDomain = fgdbWSdomain.get_DomainByName(pDomain.Name);
if (fgdbDomain == null)
return false;
fgdbSubTypes.set_Domain(subtypeCode, sFieldName, fgdbDomain);
subtypeName = enumsubtype.Next(out subtypeCode);
return true;

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