Automating Layer Creation Based on Criteria

08-01-2012 07:42 AM
New Contributor
Hi All,

I was wondering if there is a way to automate the creation of layers based on criteria from other shape files. Here is an example of what I would want to do:

I have polygons that contain population & another layer that has City Council districts

what I would want to automate is creating a new polygon layer where
population <= 1,000 & City Council districts are the same & where only contiguous areas are "merged" in the new layer

I'd want the "most efficient" scenario (ie. closest to 1,000 people as possible given the constraint that they have to be same city council district and must be contiguous.

If this is possible ultimately I will be making it with 50+ variables.

Another note is that I only have very limited tools available (only arcmap with a couple extensions enabled)

Thanks in advance, appreciate any help
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