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10.1 - Error handling service request: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

06-18-2012 08:24 PM
Frequent Contributor
I'm getting this error from a published map service when visiting in the rest interface.

It works fine in ArcMap.

Not a complex map. Web Mercator projection with six layers with same projection.
It does have a very big coverage area.  Australia wide. 

Anyone point me in the direction I should be looking?
Peter T, Brisbane
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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Hi Peter,

Can you try increasing the SOC maximum heap size (in MB) from its default value of 64 to 128. Here are the steps to do this.

1. In a web browser, navigate to http://<Your Server Name>:6080/arcgis/admin.
2. Log in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory with an administrators account.
3. Click machines.
4. Click the link <Your Server Name>.<domain>.com. For example, a link may appear as
5. On the page Server Machine Properties, click the edit link.
6. Increase the value of App Server maximum heap size (in MB).
7. Click the Save Edits button to finish editing.

Please let us know if that works.

Deactivated User
Try what Andrew said. that's worked for me before
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Deactivated User
I really need to look at the dates on these posts. LOL this one is from 2009
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