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Change Callout Balloon Background color

09-13-2011 09:45 AM
Deactivated User
Callout Ballon Change Color
In .Net 2010 VB - I can change the color of the text in my callout balloon, but I can't seem to change the color of the balloon itself. Shadowcolor Doesn't do anything. Any help would be appreciated.

Dim pTextElement As ITextElement = New TextElement
Dim pElement As IElement
Dim pPoint As IPoint = New Point
Dim pCallOut As ICallout = New BalloonCallout
Dim pTextSymbol As IFormattedTextSymbol = New TextSymbol
Dim pGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer = pMxDoc.ActiveView

pPoint = pSelFeat.Shape

pLatLonFormat.IsLatitude = True
pLatLonFormat.GetDMS(pPoint.Y, lDegY, lMinY, lSecY)
pLatLonFormat.IsLatitude = False
pLatLonFormat.GetDMS(pPoint.X, lDegx, lMinx, lSecx)

Dim lngStr As String
Dim latStr As String
lngStr = lDegx & Chr(176) & lMinx & "'" & lSecx & """ " & "W"
latStr = lDegY & Chr(176) & lMinY & "'" & lSecY & """ " & "N"

POI = pSelFeat.Value(pSelFeat.Fields.FindField("POI_NUM"))
WMP = pSelFeat.Value(pSelFeat.Fields.FindField("WMP_TYPE"))

pTextElement.Text = POI & vbCrLf & WMP & vbCrLf & lngStr & vbCrLf & latStr ' add coords"

pTextElement.Symbol.HorizontalAlignment = 0
pTextElement.Symbol.VerticalAlignment = 1

' now reproject so that the placement is in Single Zone

' get an offset for the balloon
Dim nPoint As IPoint = New Point
nPoint.SpatialReference = pPoint.SpatialReference
nPoint.X = pPoint.X + 500
nPoint.Y = pPoint.Y + 300

pElement = pTextElement
'pElement.Geometry = pPoint
pElement.Geometry = nPoint
pTextSymbol.Background = pCallOut

pTextSymbol.Size = 8

Dim pColor As ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor = New RgbColor
pColor.Blue = 50
pColor.Green = 240
pColor.Red = 50

'this changes the text color.
pTextSymbol.Color = pColor 'changes the text color OK

'************ this gives me an error ************
'pTextSymbol.Background.TextSymbol.Color = pColor

pCallOut.AnchorPoint = pPoint

pTextElement.Symbol = pTextSymbol

pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, gcnt)
gcnt = gcnt + 1

pMxDoc.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, Nothing, Nothing)
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor
You need to create an IFillSymbol (New SimpleFillSymbol) and set its color. Then set IBalloonCallout.Symbol to it.

Since IBalloonCallout.Symbol IS an IFillSymbol, you can also just set the color directly:

Dim pBalloonCallOut As IBalloonCallout = pCallout
pBalloonCallOut.Symbol.Color = pColor
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Deactivated User

Works like a charm.  Thanks so much for the help!

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Honored Contributor
+1 on the thanks. This just helped me solve an issue that's been nagging me for awhile. I could change the text color in the callout but never the color of the outline. This helped me solve it. Thanks Jeff!
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