Default symbology of FeatureLayer

09-12-2011 10:10 AM
Occasional Contributor II
I am using OnlineOfflineFeatureLayer (a derivative of FeatureLayer).
The symbology takes the color, and symbol shape of the source ArcMap project.
However, the symbol size seems to use a default, rather than use the ever-increasing sizes I've given it.

The project shows huge symbols now, but the iPad still shows the same teenie symbols it always did.

I've tried restarting the services after each change, but no effect on the app.
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6 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
You should create your own renderer and set it to a feature layer (AGSFeatureLayer::renderer). Please refer doc of Working with Symbols and Renderers.

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Occasional Contributor II
I was really hoping the work put into symbolizing the project in ArcMap wouldn't have to be thrown away and re-done in XCode. 😞 Especially with the font symbols not being there.
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Esri Regular Contributor
I misunderstood your question. Since, you mentioned..."the symbol size seems to use a default, rather than use the ever-increasing sizes I've given it". I thought you are trying to set it in XCode.

So, you are saying layer is no picking up the symbol size you are setting in the ArcMap document?

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Occasional Contributor II

i.e. I set one layer to Purple hourglass symbol, size 30 in ArcMap.
My iOS app loads it as a FeatureLayer, displays a tiny blue hourglass.

Similar results with other point features (tiny, not showing changes).
For some reason, the symbol shape seems to get through, but not color or size.

I was able to get larger symbols by changing my code to create a new SimpleMarkerSymbol, but hourglass shapes, etc would require gathering pictures.

GISServer 10, ArcGIS 10

OnlineOfflineFeatureLayer *featureLayer;

    featureLayer = [[OnlineOfflineFeatureLayer featureServiceLayerWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:AddressFeatureURL] mode:AGSFeatureLayerModeOnDemand withName:@"Address"  online:start_mode_online] retain];
featureLayer.infoTemplateDelegate = self;
featureLayer.outFields = [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"*"];
    featureLayer.onlineOfflineDelegate = self;
featureLayer.bufferFactor = 0;
[self.mapView addMapLayer:featureLayer withName:featureLayer.layerName];
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Occasional Contributor II
I'm not sure what happened, but all the messed up settings I was trying yesterday are displaying in my app now.

Perhaps some process ran overnight, like a server reboot.

Right now, I have to get my 30 point symbols back to normal, and see how long they take to take effect :confused:
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Esri Regular Contributor
If you make any changes to the service then you must "Clear Cache" through REST Admin to take new changes in effect.

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