mxd map service and argcistiledmapservice in Silverlight

08-08-2011 07:34 AM
New Contributor
I have two issues with map services that I publish on our GIS server:
1.When I create cached map service in order to use as argcistiledmapservice, it rarely shows up as ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, but works fine if I use ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.
2.When I recreate tiles adding more scale levels, arcgis server does not seem to pick it up, i.e. accessing rest services in a browser shows old list of scales.  Same goes for any update in ArcMap.  Saving arcmap mxd document which is associated with some map service usually updates changes.
One time cached map service started to show up in ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer after a couple of days passed by.  Why is that?  I even try to restart ArcSOC monitor.  Is there some "global way" forcing arcgis server to update changes. (BTW, restarting server computer does not always fix the problem either.)
When I stop the service in ArcCatalog, it still works even after clearing browser cache!  That is I can navigate to its description and call Map on it?
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1 Reply
Esri Contributor
Please make sure the REST cache is cleared after any changes to the service.

more info here:

I have two issues with map services that I publish on our GIS server:
1.When I create cached map service in order to use as argcistiledmapservice, it rarely shows up as ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer, but works fine if I use ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.
2.When I recreate tiles adding more scale levels, arcgis server does not seem to pick it up, i.e. accessing rest services in a browser shows old list of scales.  Same goes for any update in ArcMap.  Saving arcmap mxd document which is associated with some map service usually updates changes.
One time cached map service started to show up in ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer after a couple of days passed by.  Why is that?  I even try to restart ArcSOC monitor.  Is there some "global way" forcing arcgis server to update changes. (BTW, restarting server computer does not always fix the problem either.)
When I stop the service in ArcCatalog, it still works even after clearing browser cache!  That is I can navigate to its description and call Map on it?
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