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problem when I export large shapefile data

12-16-2019 10:25 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi all,
I have some data (more that 5000000 rows in the atribute table) in geopackage format and geodatabase when I am trying to export it to the shp format I get the data lines but the attribute table that is mess, I mean that the information on the rows are wrong or missing.
Do you have someone any idea how I can solve it?

Thank you,

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

are you hitting the 2 GB limit?

Emerging Contributor

I did a cut off to the 2 GB and it looks fie. Thank you.
A question: I used this data, the shp format by another gis and it was readable, do you have any idea?

Best regards,

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Emerging Contributor

Thank you, Steve.
Yes, my data is around 6 GB.
So I have to cut it.

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