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Data driven pages with multiple layers

03-09-2011 06:38 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm using Data Driven Pages with a polygon layer (let's name it "polyA.shp") to generate a catalog (a PDF file) presenting on each page, the geometry and attributes (name, area, year) of each record of the "PolyA" table.

Everything goes well so far !

Now I'd like to add to all my pages some additionnal information regarding a second polygon feature layer (PolyB.shp) having objects within the same extent as objects from PolyA.

Basically, I'd like to add to my pages some dynamic text coming from the attribute table of a second layer.

Is there a way of doing this since Data Driven Pages can only be configured based on one unique layer ?

Hope, I made it clear enough !

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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
This can't be done with only data driven pages, the way it is presented in the user interface.

This can be done by introducing arcpy.mapping scripting logic.  You can continue to use data driven pages but also add to that scripting logic that reads your other table(s) and update text elements on your page based on information read from the other table(s).

Please review the following help topic for more information and also review the help samples:

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Emerging Contributor
Thanks a lot for your help Jeff !
It works fine using Python.

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Regular Contributor
Would you mind sharing an example of how you did that with arcpy?
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