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Feature report - error

07-30-2019 04:13 AM
Emerging Contributor

I've created a sample feature report template. The template was created successfully. But An error occurred while generating report(s).

I tested different options and discovered a problem with layer.Name: Error: Cannot read property 'layerName' of undefined.

My steps:

  • Download the sample feature report template
  • Delete the sample feature report template from ArcGIS Online
  • Upload the sample feature report template.

The template was not changed.

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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Konstantin

Thanks for the screenshots and steps. Are any of the layer names in your feature service duplicated? Do any of the layer names contain special characters? If possible, could you please provide the feature report template DOCX file and survey XLSForm to help with troubleshooting?



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Emerging Contributor

Hi Jim

I'v sent you the feature report template DOCX file and survey XLSForm using email.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Konstantin, I've just sent you a direct message via GeoNet.



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Konstantin

Just updating this thread with the outcome of our discussion by email. The error was caused by a duplicate name in the XLSForm, specifically a begin group element that had a text question inside it with the same name. Making these names unique solved the issue. Our team has made improvements to the feature report template logic to better handle this and the fix will be included in the next release.

Thanks again for reporting it.

Best regards,

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