A new way to search open data with ArcGIS Hub

07-15-2019 07:59 AM
Esri Contributor

Open data provides people with the information they need to stay in the know. For example, people may wonder where the next infrastructure improvement project is planned or what 311 requests are open in their neighborhood. If your organization uses ArcGIS Hub to share open data, you'll want to check out Dataset Smart Search - a new way to connect people with the right answers. 


Dataset Smart Search works by automatically searching for the best match to a person's query, whether it's a location, value, or other attribute in a dataset. No matter what they're looking for, this new beta capability provides an easy to use interface that can guide anyone, regardless of their GIS experience, to the right content. To learn more about Dataset Smart Search and how to activate it for your sites, check out this blog post

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