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Problems if "Topo to Raster" Script...

02-19-2011 09:03 AM
Deactivated User
I'm a beginner using Python and I'm having some problem...

I wrote a code based on code available in the ArcGIS Help, but it does not work ...
I need to run the Topo to Raster several times with different parameters ... so I decided to write a code ..
I dont know if the problem is in code because I'm in trouble for running up the  Topo to Raster using ArcToolBox ...

Anyway, if anyone can give a help, would greatly appreciate it!
Below is the script...

PS: When I use the tool "Watch", whre is a information ..."NameError: name 'fc' is not defined"...I think the problem is here...
PS2: I'm using ArcGIS 9.2 yet...

# Description: Interpolar os dados do IGC da Bacia do Cavalheiro
# Interpolate a series of point features onto a rectangular raster using TopoToRaster
# Requirements: Ponto Cotado, Curvas de Nível e Hidrografia...
# Author: ESRI, modificado por Michel Metran da Silva
# Date: February 19, 2011

# Import system modules
import sys, string, os, arcgisscripting

# Create the Geoprocessor object
gp = arcgisscripting.create()

    # Output Workspace
    out_workspace = "E:/GIS_Mestrado/Bacia_Cavalheiro/Topo_Raster_Testes/Arquivos_Teste/"

    # Output Features...    
    out_raster = out_workspace + "t01_dem"
    out_strm_shp = out_workspace + "t01_stream.shp"
    out_sink_shp = out_workspace + "t01_sink.shp"
    diag_txt = out_workspace + "t01_diag.txt"
    out_file_txt = out_workspace + "t01_parameter.txt"

    # Input Data...
    ptos_cotados = "E:/GIS_Mestrado/Bacia_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro.mdb/IGC/Ptos_Cotados "
    ptos_cotados_atributos = "Elevacao "
    ptos_cotados_typeof = "PointElevation "

    represas = "E:/GIS_Mestrado/Bacia_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro.mdb/IGC/Represa "
    represas_atributos = "# "
    represas_typeof = "Lake "

    hidrografia = "E:/GIS_Mestrado/Bacia_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro.mdb/IGC/Hidrografia "
    hidrografia_atributos = "# "
    hidrografia_typeof = "Stream "

    curvas_nivel = "E:/GIS_Mestrado/Bacia_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro.mdb/IGC/Curvas_Nivel "
    curvas_nivel_atributos = "Elevacao "
    curvas_nivel_typeof = "Contour "

    limite = "E:/GIS_Mestrado/Bacia_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro/Geodata_Cavalheiro.mdb/Bacia_Cavalheiro/MB_250_Contorno "
    limite_atributos = "# "
    limite_typeof = "Boundary "

    # Check out ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension license

    # Load required toolboxes...
    gp.AddToolbox("C:/Arquivos de programas/ArcGIS/ArcToolbox/Toolboxes/Spatial Analyst Tools.tbx")

    # Process: TopoToRaster
    gp.TopoToRaster_sa(ptos_cotados + ptos_cotados_atributos + ptos_cotados_typeof + ";" +
        represas + represas_atributos + represas_typeof + ";" +
        hidrografia + hidrografia_atributos + hidrografia_typeof + ";" +
        curvas_nivel + curvas_nivel_atributos + curvas_nivel_typeof + ";" +
        limite + limite_atributos + limite_typeof,

        "10",           #cellsize
        "222035,12296793022 7550213,11435197950 226272,14127189049 7555020,42812331390",  #x-min x-max y-min y-max
        "20",           #grid margin
        "",             #Smallest z value to be used in interpolation (optional)
        "",             #Largest z value to be used in interpolation (optional)
        "ENFORCE",      #Drainage option
        "CONTOUR",      #Contour data option
        "40",           #Maximum number of iterations (optional) 
        "",             #Roughness penalty (optional) 
        "1",            #Discretisation error factor (optional)
        "0",            #Vertical standard error (optional)
        "",             #Tolerance 1 (optional)
        "",             #Tolerance 2 (optional)
        out_strm_shp,   #Output stream polyline features (optional)
        out_sink_shp,   #Output remaining sink point features (optional)
        diag_txt,       #Output diagnostic file (optional)
        out_file_txt)   #Output parameter file (optional)

    # If an error occurred while running a tool, then print the messages
    print "Error in script"
    print gp.GetMessages()
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