Problem posting updates with FeatureServer

01-24-2011 05:01 AM
New Contributor

Im writing an feature editing application with the Flex API using FeatureServer in ArcGIS server 10. I can successfully add and delete features but am as yet unable to modify the geometry of polygon features in SDE/Oracle(

Heres an example of an update I'm attempting to apply with the FeatureLayer applyEdits html page in the Services Directory. 


And here is the error that is returned...

Underlying DBMS error [ORA-01008: not all variables bound<br/>] [TABLE_OWNER.EDIT_TABLE]
Error applying edits.

Ive tried both the applyEdits page and the updateFeatures page with the same result.
Interestingly, If I change the word "geometry" to the word "shape" in the above (the geometry column in the database is actually called SHAPE) the result claims to be successful but if I check the geometry of the feature in the database it has not infact been updated.

OBJECTID is the only not null column in the dataset. The dataset is not versioned.

I would very much appreciate any thoughts or advice.


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor
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New Contributor
Thanks for your suggestion Ravi. I tried this and still could not get the edit to work.

However, I created an entirely new table on the database, registered with sde, published a new map service with feature access enabled and I am now able to edit this new layer fully (adds,updates and deletes).

Not sure what made the difference yet but I'm still looking into it.

Thanks again.
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