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Knowing pixel values

11-29-2017 10:00 AM
Emerging Contributor

I have a large raster layer that has aridity values assigned to each pixel. I also have latitude and longitude data of some locations in USA. I would like to know the pixel value according to my latitude and longitude locations . I first clipped the raster to my area of interest (USA) in Arcmap the I converted my clipped raster in to a .tif file. I don't know how to extract the pixel values according to the locations that I have. I tried a few things but it either doesn't work or I don't have the license (such as for extract). 

Thank You for your help^^

I have attached an image of what I have. 

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6 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Extract Values to Points or its brethren Extract MultiValues to Points IF you have the spatial analyst extension

Emerging Contributor

Hello Dan thank you for your reply^^
I unfortunately don't have the spatial analyst extension, is there a way around this?

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MVP Emeritus

There is... but it requires programming in python and numpy... sorry... so short of  the info tool, you are a bit stuck

Emerging Contributor

It's alright^^

Again thank you Dan

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Here is a document that could get you started, but you will have to program using Python: 

Emerging Contributor

I will have a look at it^^
Thank You Xander

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