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ArcGIS server Site admin username and password keep changing,

07-09-2017 11:53 PM
Frequent Contributor

I don’t know if I am hacked or what, I am running ArcGIS server 10.5 on windows server 2012. My server has a real domain name that can be accessed form anywhere.

The issue here is that the site admin username and password keep changing and all of my service deleted after this change! I reset it but after while (hours) the password changes automatically.

Have any one experienced this issue before?

Thank you in advance



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6 Replies
MVP Alum

Are the usernames based on Active Directory or ArcGIS Server built-in users? 

One thing about AD users is that the password shouldn't expire so soon. Even if it expires, it will ask for setting a new password during logging in to the system. That doesn't change anything on ArcGIS Server/ services.

You might need to consult with your IT department regarding this.

In case it is ArcGIS Server built-in users, get in touch with your local Esri Tech Support.

Think Location
Frequent Contributor

Usernames based on ArcGIS Server built-in users,

It seems that it is a virus or script that change the password based on time intervals (every two hours for example). I still did not figure out where the virus is, and I couldn’t stop it from changing the password despite the fact that I renamed the passwordrest.bat file to something else.

Do you have any idea how we figure out the issue?



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MVP Alum

You should contact your local Esri Tech Support to look into the issue.

Think Location
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Frequent Contributor

We already contacted them, but they said it is unknown Behavior and they will report it to Esri.



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MVP Emeritus

This thread   was posted over the weekend.  Is this a duplicate post (i.e. same office)?  If not, there are now two sites reporting this.  But my guess it is not the software that is causing the issue.

Legendary Contributor

Sorry for the confusion. Right. We are from the same organization. We are under pressure due to the failure of our ArcGIS Server.

We managed to format the server, but after like two hours, the issue came back. Not sure which virus might cause to change the logins of the ArcGIS Server. Is that really easy even with virus?

Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
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