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How to download World Imagery with labels as offline maps (.tpk file)?

03-19-2017 08:58 AM
Deactivated User

Hi, sorry for my english.  I am placing this links for a reference.  .  I need to download World Imagery with labels as a .tpk file for offline purpose. Do I need a special license require for this to achieve? I am using developer license. I am new to Arcgis.

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor


The basemaps supported for taking offline as TPKs are listed on under the group Tiled Basemaps: 

The world Imagery with labels basemap is actually a combination of three 2-3 basemaps providing the imagery, boundaries, and place labels. Each of these is available as an individual basemap service in the group given above. Discrete basemaps such as boundaries and places are referred to as reference overlays because they are designed with transparency to overlay on other continuous basemaps, such as imagery. Because it is a combination of two or more basemaps, you will need to programmatically request an extract from each service then overlay them as the online Map Viewer does.

- World Imagery: 

- World Boundaries and Places: 

You will need an ArcGIS Online subscription to access these services. Your ArcGIS Developer account provides some credits you can use for development and testing. There are plan levels for deployment too. For more info see Pricing | ArcGIS for Developers.

Note if you're new, you should be using ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET (ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET | ArcGIS for Developers) - I've moved this thread to the appropriate forum.



Deactivated User

Thanks Micheal..

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