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Convert different data types of FC into one KMZ file

02-07-2017 04:25 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hellow everyone,

I am trying to export point, line & polygon  Features in one KMZ, Is that possible?

EX: I want KMZ containing a point with a buffer around it, and there are line features inside the buffer.

What Convert tool box provide is convert each datatype layer in sperate KMZ then I can combine it using Google Earth.

Is there a way to convert all different data types of FC into one KMZ file using python or model builder?


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4 Replies
MVP Alum

Group the different feature type layers first in ArcGIS Desktop and then export the grouped layer as a LYR file.  Then run the Convert to KML tool on the LYR file.

Occasional Contributor

Thanks, FC Basson.

Do You know What is the tool to create a group layer from the toolboxes?

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MVP Alum

You just select all the layers you want to group together, right click -> Group

Then you can save the grouped layer as a Layer file

MVP Alum

Did you try Map to KML?

Think Location