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Layer symbology

01-18-2017 11:44 AM
Frequent Contributor

There are two fields in the layer that I want my symbology to be based on.

Is there any way to create query for symbology?

I need something like: "if filed 2 < > Null, while field 1 = John - blue

"if field 2 = Null, while field 1 = John - red

if field 2 = Null, while field 1 = Bob = orange

Creating duplicate layers with definition queries is not a solution for my case,


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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Is this only for ArcMap and not mobile applications? If so, you can base your symbology on two fields, the problem occurs if you want that symbology displayed in one of ESRI's mobile apps which do not support symbology based on two fields.

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Frequent Contributor

Tiffany, thank you for your reply. I can not do it using this method. One of the fields is "date completed" and another one is "inspector". date completed has many many values, i do not want to specify color for each of them. Also because they will be constantly added. I just need 1 color for the case when date completed is empty but inspector field is not empty,  second color when inspector is not empty and date completed is not empty either,

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Honored Contributor

A very simple way, without having to code anything, would be to:

**first, make sure your layer is backed-up for the sake of posterity**

1)  start an edit session on your layer

2)  add a new text field to your layer - call it something like "symbol"

3)  select-by-attributes and run your first of the three queries:

field2 is not null and field1 = 'John'

4)  right click "symbol" and calculate your field "blue"

5)  select-by-attributes and run your second of three queries:

field2 is null and field1 = 'John'

6)  right click "symbol" and calculate your field "red"

7)  select-by-attributes and run your third of three queries:

field2 is null and field1 = 'Bob'

😎  right click "symbol" and calculate your field "orange"

9)  verify your edits and save

10) stop editing

11) right click your layer in the TOC and choose "properties"

12) symbology tab

13) categories section

14) unique values

15) choose "symbol" as your value field

16) click "Add All Values"

17) double-click the "blue" box, select "blue" fill

18) double-click the "orange" box, select "orange" fill

19) double-click the "red" box, select "red" fill

There are other ways to handle this, but I gave you one which should be straightforward to apply.