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Can you re number representations in arcmap?

01-21-2015 07:21 AM
Deactivated User

I created a representation and added loaded rule or import symbols but had to delete some. Now the numbers in front of the name of the rule is out of order ( [2],[3],[5],[7]). I know you can change the name of the rule but I was wondering if there is a way to change this rule id number in front of the name?


enter image description here

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Dear Laura,

I'm not sure I will give you the best way or not but from my experience, the number is out of order because of you have delete a certain representation rule and create the new one.  Yes I understand that is not a big mistake but you just want to have a proper list of number. So my humble suggestions here are:

1. Reconvert the symbology to representation again. And load the rule back follow the right order.

2. To load the rule, first make sure you save the representation rule by click at 'Save Rule'. This action will save the rule to ESRI default style.

3. Lastly, dont forget to delete the first representation that you have convert at ArcCatalog. Right click on feature class>Go to Representation tab>Delete the oldest Representation.

4. Enjoy!

p/s: You also can apply the representation automatically if you are using VST.