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ArcGIS 10.0 Adjoint Catchment toolbox bug?

01-08-2015 09:49 AM
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New Contributor

In the page ( there is a bug in the adjoint catchment processing within ArcCatalog/background processing that affects the toolbox tool. Has this been resolved in the ArcGIS 10.0 version which is the latest available on the esri FTP site?

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11 Replies
Emerging Contributor

I'm encountering a slightly similar issue lately when trying to run the Adjoint Catchment Processing tool (from the toolbar dropdown). The Catchment Grid Delineation works fine, but when I try to run the Adjoint tool, it only builds part of them, like the image below (from the Tutorial dataset).

I'm using ArcHydro Tools 10.2 x64bit and ArcGIS Desktop (Advanced)



i just tried the ArcToolbox tool and it will not even run, saying "The tool is not valid."

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Honored Contributor

When I have problems like this I close ArcMap. Delete the geodatabases for the project (make sure you make a copy of the BatchPoints). Then I open ArcMap, reload the mxd, make sure the temp files are deleted, make sure the Target Locations are set right, etc.

I use model builder to automate the process and reduce "fatigue" of running the many steps in Arc Hydro. This makes the struggle a little more bareable.

Look at the Feb 5, 2013 post on Arc Hydro Problem Solvers ( ) for a doc with my check list.

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Emerging Contributor

I've started from scratch (just the srtm2 clipped area GRID in a new MXD with a short and simple file name/path) four times (plus ditto with the Exercise2 data I showed in my first post above) and each time I get the same results with regards to the Adjoint Catchment Processing. The one thing all my attempts have in common is that the Adjoint Catchments are 'missing' along the main river Drainage Lines.

Drainage Lines...


Catchment Grid Delineation...


Adjoint Catchment Polygon...


I've emptied my Temp folder many times, rebooted in between sometimes, set the environments and tried the ArcTookbox version of the tool and each attempt produces the same result.

Next I'm going to uninstall the v10.2 ArcHydro and try one of the earlier versions.

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Emerging Contributor

No joy with other versions, and when I reran the Adjoint Catchment Processing (after uninstalling, cleaning registry, reinstalling v 10.2 ArcHydro) I still have the same issues. For some reason it is having trouble with some of the catchments.

Any thoughts on how to overcome this?

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Honored Contributor

Almost looks like the fill sinks step hasn't been run.

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Emerging Contributor

Sinks have been filled, and if I run Sink Evaluation (or any of the other Sink tools) I don't get any.

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Emerging Contributor

Looking at the attribute tables for the Catchments polygon layer, I note that the features that have a RiverOrder attribute of '1' have adjoint catchments generated. The others do not. It does not want to aggregate the other features. Anyone know how I can overcome this?

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Honored Contributor

I looked at an old project with multiple catchments that ran successfully. I don't see a "RiverOrder" field in the Catchment attribute table (see attached). Could it be that another process other than the minimum I use put that field in the table?

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Emerging Contributor

Sorry for the late reply.

Running the Excercise 2, the RiverOrder attribute field was added to the Catchment feature when I run the Adjoint Catchment Processing function.

From a fresh project with just the filmc GRID file loaded:

1. I ran the Basic Dendritic Terrain Processing workflow from ArcToolbox.

2. When I looked at the attribute table for the Catchment polygon feature class I noted the RiverOrder field. Again, the only Adjoint Catchments generated were for those attributed as having a '1' under RiverOrder.

3. I ran the Catchment Polygon Processing function again on the previously generated Cat GRID file.

4. Opened up the attribute table and noted the only non-standard (i.e. objectid, etc) fields generated were HydroID and GridID. I kept the table open.

5. Ran the Adjoint Catchment Processing function and as it was running I noted two more fields added to the Catchment feature class, NextDownID and RiverOrder.

6. Of the 463 Catchments generated, my RiverOrder's run from 79 (the watershed exit catchment, -1 NextDownID) to 1 (the head waters, 232 of them).

7. Looking at the Adjoint Catchments Processing results, Number of Feature Processed: 463, Number of loops: 25, Number of source features not aggregated: 0, Update river order time: 1.0s.

Again, I'm using ArcHydro Tools (x64) v10.2.0.13.

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