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What widget do you want most

08-05-2014 05:45 AM
MVP Emeritus

I have been working on a few custom widgets for the Web App Builder, but I would like some input as to what widget/functionality people are wanting most.

The WAB has several great OTB widgets but what (realistic) widgets are missing and would be (in your opinion) great to have?

221 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Hello Robert

Indeed it does look as though this would require some effort. I've been in contact with ESRI support who have moved this on to the development team so I guess we will see. 

I am a little surprised that this functionality is not already built in to these widgets. I don't quite see the logic of these widgets not honouring each other. Why would you want an attribute table that returns everything in the dataset when you are just looking at a single date/time within a time slider.

These widgets are supposed to be able to be used together in the Launch Pad and Dart Themed Templates, but they don't communicate with each other. Doesn't make much sense to me. 



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Deactivated User

Beyond all suggestion would be nice if FilterWidget could return more fields than only one.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Robert,

Did not need to think very deeply to come up with a 'widget request'.

In our company (Brabant Water) we use a wide spread web application for maintaining hydrants and valves (also open or closed display of valves) which is especially built for us, using ArcGIS online pop-ups. Now we would like to give this application the same look and feel of our other web applications that are all built with the WAB. Of course I can put together the needed functionality, but...

the edit pop- up is way too large (over a dozen fields) and there is no way that I can configure them in a way that they don't take so many space. Mind, the people in the field use smaller devices than in the office.

So can you come up with an edit widget in which the layout of the pop-up can be modified to a very narrow, few space using object.

Thank you for your work already done!!


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Occasional Contributor

Layer List Widget for radio buttons instead of check boxes. At the moment the user is required to turn a layer off and another layer on when they only want to display one layer at a time. It confuses end users.

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Deactivated User

Hi Robert,

    I would really like some input and explination on the Reporting widges that you have embeded in the ESearch popup panel. I think it is brilliant how you used the print tool to produce them, but I can't seem to figure that part out.



MVP Emeritus


  Are you referring to my parcel search on my County website. If so that code is not part of the eSearch. My county site uses custom RESTfull web services to provide access to my counties CAMA data and then I have just use normal dojo domConstruct calls to build reports in html code on a div that can be sent to the printer and I use PrintTask to get a MAP_ONLY output from my print service to get the image of the map. But all my code is completely specific to my data and my custom .net web services.

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Deactivated User


      Thank you for that explination, and that sounds like exactly what we are looking to do here at my company. I am new to dojo and javasript, and I am starting to understand the concepts a little better. Do you know where I could go for more resources on how to achieve better understanding of dojo and its uses in WAB? Or do you have an example of code that you leveraged with the print widget?

Thank you,


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Frequent Contributor


Thank you for all of your hard work with creating and maintaining your custom WAB widgets.  I have several deployed in a few apps!  However, I really miss your Enhanced Draw widget. The functionality that you provided in the version for WAB 1.2 was the BEST!  Now that I'm trying to update and add/create additional WAB apps, I've found that Esri's draw widget just doesn't let me add information to go with the drawn elements, such as a circle.  I hope you consider updating your Enhanced Draw widget for WAB DevEd 2.5. Thanks again for your help.



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MVP Emeritus


  I never produced a Enhanced Draw widget for WAB. Other developers beat me to it.

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