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Web App Builder - Widget Development

01-08-2018 07:29 AM
Regular Contributor

I use AGO to create some basic maps that have widgets already built. I can export the map and widgets locally where I run my Web App Builder. I have been trying to customize the widgets and make function changes. Since the widgets code is compressed and minified, it is very difficult making function changes at all. 

Is there a github or another way to access this code before it gets compressed to perform some hard core customization on it?

The widget is call Public Information, it selects a parcel and applies a buffer zone around it, then has the ability to output a comma-delimited file of the address within the buffer zones.

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7 Replies
MVP Emeritus


  Sure you just need to use Web Application Builder Developer Edition.

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS (Developer Edition) | ArcGIS for Developers 

Download the SDK and then setup on your workstation. This will give you access to un-minified code for the jimu library and it's widgets.

Regular Contributor

Yes, I have gone this route. I didn't know about the jimu libraries though I appreciate that information. I have been using the WAB developer edition but development still seems difficult. Can you explain if you're using an IDE or coding in a test editor. Is there a framework scaffolding generator available and is it possible to use Visual Studio Code? What is the recommended coding approach to web app builder developer edition? I appreciate any information. I have been out of the loop for 2 or 3 years.


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MVP Emeritus


  1. IDE or text editor is a matter of preference. I use ATOM (it was developed by GitHub developers).
  2. There are scaffolding generators for widget development. I personally do not use them but here is the link: 
  3. Yes you can and many of the JS API developer are using Visual Studio Code.
  4. Not sure what you are asking when you say "What is the recommended coding approach to web app builder developer edition?"
Regular Contributor

Thank you. I actually found a video on Youtube that uses the yo esri generator. So i may set my projects up similar. What I meant by item 4 is, it seems new code updates are copied into the 'client\stemapp\widgets' folder and tested through web app builder.

This video is helpful in answering most of my questions. I'll post it here and maybe it will help other coders.

Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Advanced Development Tools and Techniques - YouTube 


Regular Contributor

Okay, one last inquiry...

Is there a URL where I can download the latest Public Notification widget for Web App Builder Developer?


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MVP Emeritus

  that widget was released for WAB 2.7. WAB Dev is still v2.6 for a few weeks and then you will have access to that widget.

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MVP Emeritus

fyi - I usually put links to the new versions and various blogs in /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2016/03/09/web-appbuilder-developer-edition-customization-resource-list?sr=search...‌   and put custom widgets others have written and provided /blogs/myAlaskaGIS/2017/03/04/web-appbuilder-the-custom-widgets-list-332017?sr=search&searchId=04364...‌   and have a couple other blog posts that are related.

EDIT:  Looks like WAB 2.7 was released on Jan 11, 2018.  I have links at the top of the resource list blog listed above.

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