Spatial filter, in query widget of Web Appbuilder, requires you to use it instead of optionally using it

07-25-2017 08:58 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I am using the query widget in Web Appbuilder and have setup several query criteria. I also use the spatial filter "Only return features that intersect with the shape drawn on the map" in the widget, and set up as shown below.  The problem I am having is the query will only execute if I use spatial filter.  I need this to be an optionally used filter.  When I set this widget up initially, the spatial filter use was optional.  But some months ago the query wouldn't execute unless I used the spatial filter, which meant selecting a point on the map or drawing a polygon.  

Is there a setting I am missing that will let this function optionally?  Any insight into this issue is much appreciated.

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You need to change the default setting right side of screen shot in query widget setting.