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Porting Custom Widget from Beta to Release

01-12-2015 12:37 PM
Frequent Contributor

If you built a custom widget using the Beta what is everyone doing with them when moving to Release?  Are you just keeping the Beta one and moving it over?  Or re-creating from scratch and copying code over?  When comparing the beta and release sample demo widgets the structure seems to be the same, so it doesn't look like anything major has changed.  Do you think its safe to just copy over an d see if it works?



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1 Reply
Deactivated User


I've been building custom widgets starting with Beta 1 in April.  I have been moving the widgets over to the Beta 2, Beta 3, and 1.1 versions without much difficulty.  For several widgets, it took about a week to port from Beta 1 to Beta 2, about 3 weeks from Beta 2 to Beta 3, and about one day from Beta 3 to Version 1.1.  The only reason it took so long to port from Beta 2 to Beta 3 was that in Beta 2 I wasn't using a Web Map and in Beta 3, Esri commented out the code I was depending on.  Now I'm using a Web Map, but it seems so silly to point to Esri's server just so I can point to all of the services that are published on my server.  Oh well.

Hope this helps.


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