when I put in the address to my server/ArcGIS/rest/service I get a red exclamation point. I am supposed to be able to add any mapservice right?
Maybe drackleyad can shed some light then.
here is a snip
Hey Bobby, quick question; If you open that 'Add dynamic layer' window and press the F12 key to open your browser's developer console, and paste the address to your MapServer into the Service URL field, and then exit the field so that it fails, do any error messages pop up in the console?
dojo.io.script error Error: Error loading https://serverIP:6080/arcgis/rest/services/SimDams/Mansfield_PW/MapServer?f=json&callback=dojo.io.sc...
Bananas. A silly question, but in the same browser that you're using WAB in, can you open a new tab and navigate to that MapService URL without issue?
why would the http be changed to https
Are you accessing the Web App Builder over https?