Hi all,
I'm attempting to fix a number formatting issue in the edit pop-up in a web appbuilder application. The application seems to ignore my format code (probably because I'm doing it wrong). I would like the numbers to display without the thousand separator but I'm not able to make changes appear when I edit the config_Edit.json file. Is it being over-ridden by something else in the code? Any ideas would be helpful.
I would also like this in the default pop-up without having to edit the pop-up in ArcGIS Online. Pure laziness on my part; I already need to make application code changes and hitting the pop-ups is easier for me than using the AGOL user interface.
Just checking in to see if anyone has some thoughts on this.
Hi all,
I moved this question to try and get some help from another group. I understand that there are non code solutions to this problem but I'm interested in the code so it can be part of a scripted process.
Hi Brandon...not a solution but in case you haven't seen this Posting Code blocks in the new GeoNet It helps when trying to get code to post (more so if doing Python when spacing is critical).
Thanks Rebecca,
I remembered the post you mentioned only after I had created the question And it's probably user error but when I try to edit the question to add the formatting it won't reflect after saving.
ya, you pretty much have to copy it out, insert a formatting area, and paste. That's what has worked for me, but even with instructions, sometimes it just doesn't want to cooperate.
BTW, have you seen this thread Re: How do I format a numeric field in a pop-up (WAB Developer)
(one of my Q's with Robert's A)Maybe it will help.
Thanks Rebecca,
I think Robert's answer should work but for some reason it disable my edit widget when I add the format line. I've posted my question/issue there too.