I am building a custom widget for WAB. To start with, I just want to build a button that switches between the 'streets' and the 'topo' basemap.
I created a working widget and in it I have this code:
let newMap = new Map("map", { basemap: "streets", center: [-105.255, 40.022], zoom: 13 }); console.log("newMap") console.log(newMap) this.map = newMap
Which creates a new Map, and does not generate any errors, but also does not change the map.
I am guessing I need to do more than just `this.map = newMap`. But, what?
There is no documentation on this.
You should not recreate the map object unless you plan to display multiple map views.
To change a basemap you use the existing map object and use the function setBasemap
alternatively, you can use the toggle widget that has this functionality built-in -
Basemap Toggle | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.31
or the basemap gallery widget, which is similar -
Basemap gallery | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.31
Here is a link to a thread about issues trying to use the JS API basemap toggle widget in WAB.
Here is how we switch a basemap in the custom Local Layer widget.
var bmLayerObj = {
url: url,
isReference: false
var _newBasemap = new Basemap({
id: 'defaultBasemap',
title: "blah blah",
layers: [new BasemapLayer(bmLayerObj)]
var _basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
showArcGISBasemaps: false,
map: this.Map
That worked! Thanks!
I only had to change line 12 to: map: this.map. Uppercase this.Map does not work.
But, I am executing a printtask right after changing the basemap and the print uses the old map. I am guessing it is because I have to wait until the basemap has changed before a call the printtask.
Is there a way to get a callback (setup a .then()) for after the basemap changes?
You can use https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/3/jsapi/basemapgallery-amd.html#event-selection-change before you destroy the _basemapGallery.
Thanks! That worked.
I used the line:
but, it does not do anything. The map remains the same. It does not produce an error either.
I will try Scheitlin's solution next.
it sets the base map at a particular zoom level, but again it vanishes after we change the zoom level