I know the way to add help file of a custom widget in wab developers:
But in Portal the 'docs' folder doesn't exist.
I would like to know if it can be made and if it's possible I would need to know the workflow.
Best regards.
I believe the "~/docs" folder referred here is under ArcGISWebAppBuilder directory (Unzipped from the WAB-Dev Edition zip file).
thank you @JayantaPoddar but it's for developer edition as I commented.
My doubt is the same procedure for portal version, because docs folder doesn't exist.
The way that I handle this in my custom widget is to have a help folder under the widgets main folder and apply this hack to the setting.js of the widget.
//hack the 'Learn more about this widget link'
var helpLink = dojo.query('.help-link');
helpLink[0].href = this.configWindow.esri._appBaseUrl + 'widgets/eSearch/help/eSearch_Help.htm';
this.config = config;