Explode multi part polygons in WAB

08-24-2015 10:37 AM
Esri Contributor


I am creating an application using WAB. We have a Parcel Feature class with over 1 million parcels and many of them are multi part polygons. I need to be able to edit parcels, sometimes cutting or sometimes marge two of them. When I cut a multi part polygon in WAB it behaves as it does in ArcMap, cutting a multi part polygon (MPP), it creates two multi part polygon. In ArcMap I have the option to use explode option to manage this multi part polygons and then marge them if it is necessary. In WAB, I do not have any option for that an when I create a new parcel from a multi part polygon, there is no way how I can separate this parcel from the MPP and give it a new parcel number.

So, my question is, is there a workaround for this situation? is there a geoproccesing tool or a custom widget created by users with the same problem that I do know about?

Thanks for all your help!

Diego Llamas

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus


   I don't think WAB is designed for complex operations like parcel editing (I think you are expecting to much for a web environment).

Esri Contributor

Robert, Actually I was OK using cut and marge tools that WAB has by default. I do not need any parcel fabric tool, snapping capability or run topology but when I realized 1/10 of my parcels are MPP and i am not able to explode a MPP when I need to create a new parcel in WAB, there I got stock.

thanks for your help!

Diego Llamas

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