Search results added to the legend as operational layers correctly display the service name it originated from. However, when sending to a print task (as a pdf or any other output type), it renames this to "Override 1" in the legend of the print.
Has anyone been able to at least modify this name to something specific? Any suggestions on where to begin?
many months later, i now have a ticket/bug number: BUG-000114062
it's worth pointing out this has been a bug for half a decade!
again I ask: does *anyone* here have a work-around?
I am not sure if this is relevant but a colleague managed to find a workaround to implement custom legend for graphic layer
const symbol = this._generateFillSymbol(2, new Color([0, 0, 0, 1]), new Color([192, 192, 192, 0.5]));
const geometryBuffer = geometryEngine.geodesicBuffer(geometry, distance, units);
const bufferAreaGraphic = new Graphic(geometryBuffer, symbol);
const simpleJson = {
'type': 'simple',
'label': 'Area Buffer',
'symbol': symbol.toJson()
const renderer = new SimpleRenderer(simpleJson);
bufferAreaGraphic.symbol = null;
. Code snippet attached. Hopefully it may help someone as it had helped me.
This is a workaround for the override_1 label/text in the legend of the print task?
Hi @RobertScheitlin__GISP , Yes i can confirm it works for me. Legend is showing "Area Buffer" instead of Override 1
Great I will look into integrating this into the eSearch code base then.