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custom widget shows up in widget list multiple times

08-22-2014 09:36 AM
Esri Contributor

I have been developing a custom widget, and now I have the widget listed multiple times in the list of widgets in the "Choose Widget" dialog when building a web app. I have tried restarting node.exe, but it does not seem to help. Is there a way to clear/reset the widget list?

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Well, I did find a way to do this. It is not very elegant, but it works. I just deleted the arcgis-web-appbuilder-1.0beta2\server\db\repoitems file, and restarted the node.exe.

I noticed that in the repoitems file there were multiple json entries for my widget.

The entries were all the same except for the id section:

"_id": {
"$wrap": "$oid",
"v": 39

Is there a more elegant way to reset the widget list?

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MVP Emeritus


  I have not run into this issue as of yet. Is there something that you did that caused the issue that you know of?

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Esri Contributor

No. not that i know of. just developing my widget under the stemapp/widgets location.

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