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Can you get an AppID by creating a Web Map before creating a Web Mapping Application?

08-06-2015 06:41 AM
Deactivated User


I have previously created multiple web appbuilder viewers, by first creating a Web Map (no App Registration is located in the "Item Details"), and have been looking into adding in some custom widgets to improve there performance. I have seen docs/video tutorials on how to get the AppID in order to sync the web appbuilder and the Developer Edition. However, the process is different to what I have done before. I did manage to create a new customisable web appbuilder using the developer edition and added some widgets to this.

My question is, is it possible to sync the developer edition to the previously created viewers? I have tried to import these to the Developer Edition but I get this error message: "Failed to upgrade the app ! Please refer to the log for details".

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would be able to create completely new web apps but I would prefer to edit my previously created ones!

I hope I gave enough info!



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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

I'm not sure about using WAB-dev edition before creating an application and an appID, but you can use the same appID for multiple installations of your WAB-dev edition.  See some hints  Tips and Observations for getting Web AppBuilder -  Developer Edition Installed

This is a bit out dated, but may help Tips (LocalLayer widgets) for more customization and Updating (may help with others too)

Also, if trying to import an app from ArcGIS Online, the online version of Web App Builder is a little ahead of the Developers edition.  The next release for Developers edition (v1.2) is due out in (early) August (and day now I'm hoping).  Hopefully when the new release is out it will import successfully.

If those don't help, can you provide a litle more info on what you are trying to do?

... also, please check out Web AppBuilder Developer Edition - Customization Resource List​   which I try to keep as up to date as possible.

Deactivated User

Hi Rebecca,

Thank you for your informative response. I found your links very helpful. Keep up the good work!

I will wait and see if the next release of the WAB Dev Edition solves this issue before wasting anymore time on this.

Thanks again

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