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Busy cursor

04-14-2017 10:27 AM
Regular Contributor

Hello, I am using WAB 2.2 with the Jewery box theme. I would like to be able to display a busy cursor while a widget is returning results from a server call. How would I go about adding a busy cursor to my widget? Also, if the widget is closed can I release the busy cursor?

Thank You,


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11 Replies
MVP Emeritus


  Based on that error you are now trying to show the shelter inside the RouteDetailsFeatureAction.js, which does not have a this.shelter (as that is part of the widgets code scope and not the separate RouteDetailsFeatureAction code scope).

If you are going to go this route then you need to somehow feed the RouteDetailsFeatureAction.js a reference to the widget object itself.

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Regular Contributor


Interesting, there is a FeatureAction that calls the queryRouteDetails. But queryRouteDetails is inside the widget.js, not in the feature action itself. I will look into passing the shelter as an object to queryRouteDetails.


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