This widget is for indicating that the map is currently updating by showing a busy indicator image centered on the map.
In version 2.0 of WAB they have added a map progress indicator in the lower right corner of the map but if you want to change the image indicator and or have it centered in the map then this widget is for you.
List of the latest enhancements and changes:
List of Previous changes:
List of Features:
Please note that this is not an in-panel widget. To add it to your ArcGIS Web AppBuilder, add the widget to your \client\stemapp\widgets directory, and add a reference to the widget in the standard default2Dapp configuration located at \client\builder\predefined-apps\default2DApp\config.json for v1.0 and \client\stemapp\predefined-apps\default\config.json for v1.1 and above, under the widgetOnScreen section.
"uri": "widgets/MapProgress/Widget",
"version": "2.14",
"visible": false
No there is no configuration for that.
I was wondering if there is a way to offset the MapProgress widget so it is not always in the center of the map? Digging around the code and not able to see where those are being set.
No there is not. I use the esri/dijit/util/busyIndicator dijit that always centers in the parent container.
Just wondering if this widget is compatible with WAB 2.9. I can't seem to get it to display.
Yes it does. But this widget does not install like most standard widgets. You have to follow the setup instructions above ("Setting up the Widget")
I followed the setup instructions but can't get it to work with version 2.14. I noticed in the example webpage for the identify tool that you have this widget in use also for version 2.13. Will it work for 2.14?
Is this json snippet still valid for the current version:
"uri": "widgets/MapProgress/Widget",
"version": "2.8",
"visible": false
The Map Progress Widget displays in the list of available widgets that can be added to the map.
The widget has been updated to work with 2.14
The setup steps of this widget seem to be missing something. I copied the widget to "\client\stemapp\widgets" directory, and added a reference to the widget in the standard default2Dapp configuration. Then I created a new app and it doesn't appear. I can see it in the list of widgets available for my app.
What I ended up doing to get it to work was add it to the map via the way to add normal widgets in a test app. Then I copied over the json code from that into my app and removed the index attribute in the config.json file. I also needed to manually set the progress .gif since the default location was incorrect.
Maybe you are looking in the wrong spot. This widget will appear in the widgets tab up where the home button scalebar and coordinates widgets are listed.
When I use foldable theme I can see Map Progress Widget. But I cannot see Map Progress widget if I use other theme.
How do I configure this app for WAB 2.20? There is no client\builder\predefined-apps\default2DApp\ folder. I did put unzip the widget and put the folder here: ....client\stemapp\widgets
Then I added the text to the config file in client\stemapp\predefined-apps\default, but when I create a new site (Tab Theme) I don't have the mapprogress option in the widgets, and I don't see it in the config.json file for the new site. Does this widget work for versions 2.20?