In the (which is located in the Scripts folder of the DataLoadingWorkspace), one of the functions is defined as "calculate_utility_status(MATERIAL_UTIL,INSTALLDATE_UTIL,RESYRBLT)".
In the Expression column of the Utility Status field in the Excel file, reference the function by adding "calculate_utility_status(!MATERIAL_UTIL!,!INSTALLDATE_UTIL!,!RESYRBLT!)"
They are nearly the same except in the excel file function the fields are wrapped in "!". Repeat these steps for Customer Status, Utility Source, and Customer Source fields. When the Execute Data Load tool runs, it knows to look for the specified functions in the file and will apply the logic.
As for the blue tabs, there need to be domains in the source database fields to compare against the target database field domains. Please ensure domains are assigned to the fields in your source database. If you are running the Spatial Join tool, the domains get dropped from the result, so you will need to manually add them back before running Create Data Loading Workspace.