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split polyline at midpoint

07-20-2017 01:27 PM
Deactivated User


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9 Replies
MVP Alum

If the water main layer is a line feature class and you have access to ArcGIS Desktop with an Advanced License level, one workflow would be to first run Feature Vertices To Points with the Mid Option to establish a point feature class of the midpoints, then run Split Line at Point.

Feature Vertices To Points—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop 

Split Line at Point—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Info on splitting line features:

Methods for splitting line features—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop 

Chris Donohue, GISP

Honored Contributor

It is good answer if he has advanced license.

Feature Vertices To Points

Available with Advanced license.

also split line at point available with Advanced license.

and Yogesh Jitoo  said ,

Also, I have access to Basic version of ArcGIS but can get access to Standard or advanced if needed

Deactivated User

Thanks for your help!. This worked perfectly!

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Honored Contributor

How many pipe segments does you have in the layer?

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Deactivated User

About 8000 pipe segments.

Get Outlook for iOS<>

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Honored Contributor

Because of having basic license. I have a long solution.

Frist . create 6 fields

2 for start line X and Y coordinates

2 for mid point line X and Y coordinates

2 for end line X and Y coordinates

Second Calculate geometry , for each field.

Third  use XY To Line—Help | ArcGIS Desktop twice. 

-->one time, make start X and Y  in the tool for start line coordinates fields, and make end X and Y  in the tool for mid line coordinates fields.

--> second time, make start X and Y  in the tool for mid line coordinates fields, and make end X and Y  in the tool for end line coordinates fields.

Finally use Append—Help | ArcGIS Desktop tool  to make the two output in one layer, or copy and paste in edit session.


except from this curve line and circle lines. because mid point will not be intersect the line

use split button in Edit toolbar.

Deactivated User

Thanks for your help!

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Honored Contributor

Does it work?

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Deactivated User

The advanced GIS workflow worked for me and took about 10 mins. I didn't try the basic method.

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