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Shape File from Sewer Data - NEWBIE

01-24-2012 03:11 PM
New Contributor
Hi all,

I'm a total GIS beginner, so please bear with me.

I have collected sewer data in my CCTV software. My customer would now like me to produce shape files from this data. The customer doesn't have any kind of model or database and they can't give me any further information beyond "we want shape files from the CCTV inspection data". I'd like to provide them with something useful, though I recognize this might be difficult given the lack of information. All that said, there won't be any add'l information coming, so here's what I have to work with:

Approximately 400 inspection files, each with:

Upstream Manhole name + GPS Coords
Downstream Manhole
Line Length
Line Use
Pipe Diameter and type
Address of inspection start

I can probably extract a bit more data, but I think the above is most relevant. I would like to write a script to produce the manholes (I'm a programmer by trade), but I suppose I could do it by hand if absolutely necessary.

So, my question is where to begin? Knowing that asking add'l questions of the customer isn't an option, what would you attempt to create?

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor
Here's a few suggestions:
    Turn the data that you have for the 400 locations into a table, keeping the northing and easting values for the upstream manhole GPS coordinates in separate columns. Those coordinates can then be turned into points with the "Add XY Data" tool.
    Lines representing connectivity (not actual location) could be created between the upstream manhole, and a downstream manhole whose coordinates are known (is also an upstream manhole for another segment). The lines' direction should be consistent (upstream --> downstream, or vice versa)
    Set up a hyperlink to the CCTV video for each upstream manhole.
The wastewater people already have programs that can calculate capacity based on pipe size, type, shape, slope, and length.
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